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Session: Building Brand for the Future
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time: 8:15AM - 9:00AM

Where the art of attracting customers is concerned, Aude Gandon is Nestlé's very own marketing guru! Aude has extensive marketing experience, particularly within the FMCG industry.

Prior to being Nestlé's Global Marketing Officer (GMO), Aude championed Google's global brand strategies and creative assets for Google Play, Chrome and more! She was also once the General Manger of one of the world's big four advertising firms; Publicis Groupe.

Fun fact! Aude has a deep interest and understanding of beauty brands.

Session: The Future of eCommerce
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:10:45AM - 11:30AM

Neel Arora joined Nestlé as Purina UK's Head of eCommerce in 2015, after spending 4 years as a director at Arora Business Consultancy. Previously from PepsiCo and Amazon. Today, he leads Nestlé Global eCommerce -developing strategies, driving business transformation and believing firmly in eCommerce Innovation and building brands online to meet shoppers' increasing demand in online shopping.

Neel stands by the rule of making things happen, and getting things done!

Session: This is IT!
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:11:30AM - 12:30PM

A technologist at heart, Chris is passionate about exploring the role of information technology as an enabler, allowing corporations to bring their visions to life, at scale.

Starting his career 25 years ago as a young and enthusiastic IT graduate, Chris is feeling ever more excited of the sensational opportunities today’s digital age is bringing to our society. Chris leads a multicultural, increasingly diverse and agile, global IT team of the world’s largest food and beverage company. His team works to enable Nestlé to transform throughout a connected ecosystem, benefiting from industry leading IT capabilities, allowing every player to perform at their best.

Session: Building Digital Factory of The Future + Growing an Engineering Career at Nestlé
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Experienced Head Of Engineering with a demonstrated history of working in the food & beverages industry. Skilled in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Strategic Planning, Management, and Leadership. Strong engineering professional with a MBA focused in Finance and Multiple Executive Education courses from world renowned institutions.

Session: Engineering As A Competitive Advantage By Leveraging Digital Technologies
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:8:00AM - 8:45AM

Marina Nagel is currently a Factory Engineering Manager at Nestlé Indochina. She has over 13 years of experience in managing engineering projects and products in Nestlé.

Session: Nestlé Leading Women | Leadership For Impact
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:8:00AM - 9:15AM

Oluwabunmi Esther Etty-Mfon is currently the Plant Manager for Culinary at Nestlé Central & Western Africa. She is an experience engineer with over 27 years of experience, and manages the operations of the culinary plant in Agbara Factory.

Session: Building Digital Factory of The Future + Growing an Engineering Career at Nestlé
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Pierre Capelani is an Engineering Project Manager with wide experience of the construction of food manufacturing plants and a Certified PMP.

Session: Women of Nestlé : Leadership For Impact
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:8:00AM - 9:15AM

Hajra Omer is currently the Head of Human Resources at Nestlé Pakistan, with over 20 years of experience in the human resources industry.

Session: Women of Nestlé : Leadership For Impact
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:8:00AM - 9:15AM

Jessy Abdulnour is an experienced Business Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the food & beverages industry. Strong professional skilled in Marketing Management, Customer Insight, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Trade Marketing, and Retail Category Management.

Session: Women of Nestlé : Leadership For Impact
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:8:00AM - 9:15AM

Oluwabunmi Esther Etty-Mfon is currently the Plant Manager for Culinary at Nestlé Central & Western Africa. She is an experience engineer with over 20 years of experience, and manages the operations of the culinary plant in Agbara Factory.

Session: How Integrated Marketing Services and Data & Technology teams support the digital acceleration of Nestlé markets & brands
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Olha Vyslobodska is currently the Data & Technology Lead Nestlé Business Service Philippines. With over 10 years of experience, Olha is experienced in optimization, global transition and project management.

Session: How Integrated Marketing Services and Data & Technology teams support the digital acceleration of Nestlé markets & brands
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Mark Castillo has diverse experience in several industries including FMCG (home care, personal care, beverages), professional products & telecommunications.

He is results-driven and passionate about consumer insight, brand building and people development.

Session: Driving e-Commerce Growth in MENA
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:5:30AM - 6:15AM

Amer Bolbol is an experienced eCommerce Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the food & beverages industry. He is a strong operations professional skilled in negotiation, business planning, sales, marketing strategy, and management.

Session: Future Ready Workforce
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:6:15AM - 7:00AM

Amit Narain is currently the Global Head of HR Business Services at Nestlé. He has been with Nestlé for over 18 years, and is an experienced HR professional with more than 20 years of experience.

Session: How Microsoft and SAP help Nestlé with their Largest Cloud Migration?
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:12:30PM - 1:30PM

Claas was appointed as Managing Partner for Nestlé in January 2018. In this role, Claas oversees the overall engagement between Nestlé and SAP in the context of SAP’s global Platinum Strategic Customer Program based in Vevey, Switzerland.

Claas has a long track record with SAP, initially joining the newly formed subsidiary in South Africa beginning of 1992. In the following years Claas was instrumental in building SAP’s business in Africa; initially as Director Professional Services until 2001 and later as Managing Director SAP Africa between 2003 to 2008 and again in 2017. Since 2018, Claas has been serving on the Board of SAP South Africa as non-executive director.

In between Claas held various other executive positions in SAP’s global organization. From 2001 to 2003 Claas headed SAP’s consulting business in EMEA, based in Paris. Between 2008 and 2010 Claas was the Managing Director for the South-East Europe & Middle East region based in Dubai. Rejoining SAP in South Africa in 2015 as Managing Partner, Claas took over the responsibility for a Platinum Customer in the Financial Services Industry.

Outside SAP Claas worked with IBM’s Global Business Services as Managing Partner in the Middle East and Africa practice from 2010 to 2013 before heading up Motorola Solutions Enterprise business in Africa in 2014.

Prior to relocating to South Africa in 1992, Claas worked with Andersen Consulting (Accenture) in Frankfurt, Germany. Claas was born in Bochum, Germany in 1960. He is married with 3 children.

Session: Building Digital Factory of The Future + Growing an Engineering Career at Nestlé
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Nabil El Bouzrati is a dynamic, highly skilled and experienced Engineering Manager with commitment to providing highest added value. He has an optimum combination of strategic thinking, critical analysis, keen eye to detail and an inner drive to challenge the process.

Nabil has over 25 years of experience across a wide array of cultural and environmental backgrounds.

Session: Powering eCommerce in an Omni Channel Ecosystem | Nestlé India
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:6:45AM - 7:30AM

Silky Mittal is currently the Head of eCommerce in Nestlé India, with over 8 years of experience in eCommerce and Consumer Goods companies. Prior to joining Nestlé in 2018, Silky held roles in reputable companies, such as Amazon and L’Oréal and has a deep interest in eBusiness, Digital marketing and transformation.

Session: Accelerating Growth in Africa
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:2:30PM - 3:15PM

Richard Philippe is currently the Vice President of Brand Management at Jumia Group, a leading e-commerce platform in Africa. Prior to being the Vice President, he was the Group Category Director for the FMCG industry within Jumia. Richard is well-versed in the areas of brand management, vendor management, and key accounts management.

Session: Fast-Changing Digital Ecosystem in Nestlé Vietnam
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:7:30AM - 8:15AM

Tam Truong Cong is the experienced Head Of Integrated Media at Nestlé Vietnam with a demonstrated history working in different industries across FMCG and F&B.

Session: eCommerce Acceleration at Nestlé Malaysia
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:4:45AM - 5:30AM

Zetch is currently the Head of eCommerce at Nestlé Malaysia, where he leads eCommerce transformation for the company - developing eCommerce strategy across categories, delivering online business results and building organizational capabilities in eCommerce. Starting off as a Management Trainee in 2011, he was the pioneer in setting up the online business for Nestlé Malaysia back in 2014 and now has over 8 years of experience in eCommerce.

Session: Nestlé Indonesia | We Want YOU to Join Our Team
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:3:15AM - 4:00AM

Dienda Andriani is currently the Head of Media at Nestlé Indonesia, where she leads a team of media experts who drive media capabilities internally and externally, while ensuring that all of the organisations' media activities are being implemented as efficiently and effectively as possible to aid in driving business results.

Dienda has more than 17 years of experience in media agencies for media planning and buying, and joined Nestlé in 2019. On a personal note, she loves travelling!

Session: Nestlé Indonesia | We Want YOU to Join Our Team
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:3:15AM - 4:00AM

Guy Kellaway is currently the Communications Director at Nestlé Indonesia, where he leads the areas of marketing, communications functional capability and transformation for the organisations' people and brands, including media, insights, data and digital, content and experience.

Guy first joined Nestlé over 20 years ago, and has since embarked on various marketing and business management roles for multiple brands and categories across Oceania, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Switzerland and now, Indonesia.

When he's not in the office, Guy's simple passions include having a lazy Sunday brunch and travelling.



Session: Brands in Culture. How Nescafé Connected with Gen Z through Gaming in China
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:12:45PM - 1:30PM

Marcus is Head of Communications and Media at Nestlé Zone Greater China. He moved to Mainland China in 2005 and has worked in advertising agencies, including Havas and Ogilvy, on both MNC and local brands.

Before he joined Nestlé, Marcus was the Managing Director at Serviceplan China, where he was responsible for agency transformation from traditional one to an agency with truly integrated marketing capability.

In his current role, Marcus focuses in providing marketing & media initiatives and guidance on consumer communications to all Nestlé brands. He is also responsible to further drive Nestlé's corporate brand image, awareness, trust, and favorability through corporate campaigns. He is also the Zone Champion to Brand Building The Nestlé Way, a global marketing platform to help marketers to participate in accelerating the impact of Nestlé brands, with speed, agility and, above all, marketing excellence.

Beside mastering on consumer communication, Marcus is also a Muay Thai fighter and a long-distance runner.

Session: The road to developing our 1st party data growth engine
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:10:00AM - 10:45AM

Tshidiso Tshwaedi is currently the e-Category Manager at Nestlé Eastern & Southern Africa, with over 15 years of experience. In his current role, he leads growth marketing and digital strategies to support the organisation's health tech portfolio across South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana.

Session: Building Digital Factory of The Future + Growing an Engineering Career at Nestlé
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Cristian Fernandez is an experienced engineering professional with more than 20 years of experience in the Food & Beverage industry.

He is passionate about people, sustainability and the environment, as well as serving society.

Session: How Microsoft and SAP help Nestlé with their Largest Cloud Migration?
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:12:30PM - 1:30PM

Christian Von Alten is currently the Global Client Director for Strategic Accounts at Microsoft. He is a business leader with over 20 years experience in the consumer goods industry.

Session: How Nestlé is Defining the Metaverse
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:11:15AM - 12:00PM

Krystal Olivieri serves as Global Chief Innovation Officer for Choreograph and GroupM—a dual role that makes her responsible for incubating, elevating, enhancing and streamlining innovative products and solutions. A member of GroupM’s Global Leadership Team and one of Adweek’s “50 most indispensable executives in media, marketing and tech,” Krystal masterfully uses software as a catalyst to drive innovation across the businesses.

Krystal is a GroupM veteran of more than seven years and has been leading innovation across the network through the conception and co-design of many core products throughout the years. The creator of GroupM’s data ethics philosophy of “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” she has long been an advocate for consumer-centered data usage in campaigns that preserves a consumer’s right to privacy. Prior to joining GroupM, Krystal was with Omnicom Media Group in business development. She currently lives on Long Island with her beloved Frenchie Gus.

Session: The road to developing our 1st party data growth engine
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:10:00AM - 10:45AM

Zumi presents a broad and classical background in marketing & business management, with 16 years working experience in South Africa and abroad from middle to senior management.

Her experience spans across different countries in Africa, across multiple areas of expertise and leading junior to middle management teams. Zumi's interest in marketing goes beyond building great brands that consumers love, but also in developing teams and ensuring they are well set to grow and lead over time.

Session: The road to developing our 1st party data growth engine
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:10:00AM - 10:45AM

Mosima Selota is a fully acquainted professional with demonstrated experience in Programme & Project Management, Big Data Science, Digital IoT, BI & Analytics, Enterprise Architecture, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource and Finance. He is also PMP, Prince2 and CoBiT Certified.

Mosima has held number of key leadership positions and has proven leadership skills. He demonstrates critical competencies in four broad categories: commitment to results, business savvy, leading change, and motivating.

Session: Enabling Data-driven Video Marketing through Artificial Intelligence | Nestlé + Wunderman
Date: Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time: 4:45AM - 5:30AM

Driving digital transformation in Nestlé leading Data, Technology and Activation with over nine years of experience in Marketing with strong focus in digital operations and technology.

Session: Unlock and Accelerate Conversational Commerce through Artificial Intelligence l Nestlé + Meta
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:4:00AM - 4:45AM

Leading platform partnership and driving digital planning excellence driven by audience centric and strategic approach across full funnel activation from awareness to acquisition and purchase.

Session: Unlock and Accelerate Conversational Commerce through Artificial Intelligence l Nestlé + Meta
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:4:00AM - 4:45AM

Gonggit Chanthawijaikul is a digital marketing professional with over 10 years experience in sales, strategy, UX, digital marketing, businees intelligence, and marketing analytics.

Gonggit leverages his analytical skills and creative ideas to help organisations generate more revenue. He is a strong believer in the power of quantitative analysis as a business tool to provide strategic insight, and has a passion and strong experience for exploring the uses of digital media to enhance business revenue.

Outside of work, Gonggit dreams of traveling around the world; brewing home-made beer and supporting small local businesses and restaurants in his free time.

Session: Accelerating the e-Business and Digital Transformation Journey in MENA | Digital By Design
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:5:30AM - 6:15AM

Utku Hasdemir is currently the Head of eBusiness at Nestlé MENA. With 20 years of experience, he is leading the Digital Transformation journey across the Value Chain by discovering future business disruptions and developing digital know-how and competencies.

He is responsible for enabling Direct-to-Consumer solutions such as transactional web sites & mobile apps, creating engaging and impactful digital content, embracing a holistic search strategy including SEO, SEM and eRetail search, optimizing brand and corporate websites to enhance user experience, making digital media work smarter and building data powered & audience driven digital marketing communication strategies to deliver personalized consumer experiences.



Session: Leadership in Digital | Leading A Future Forward Nestlé
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:6:00AM - 6:45AM

Charnae L. Morris, is currently the Head of eBusiness at Nestlé Indochina responsible for leading the organization’s digital transformation across marketing, eCommerce, data and technology. She started her career with Nestlé in the US in 2009, where she gained solid marketing and sales experience across the confectionery and coffee categories. During this time she led the direct to consumer business for Nescafé Dolce Gusto. In September 2014, Charnae joined the Digital Acceleration Team and later transitioned to Global Digital Marketing Manager with the Direct Sales Business Unit at Nestlé SA HQ in Switzerland before moving to Singapore in 2017 to assume the role of eBusiness Lead for Zone Asia Oceania and Africa (AOA). She is married and is the proud fur mom of Filou, a French Pointer.

Session: Digital Transformation In Action to build an Integrated Digital Ecosystem
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:5:30AM - 6:15AM

Mark Harris is currently the Head of Business Development & Digital Services for Purina at Nestlé Oceania. He has over 20 years of experience in the marketing expertise.

Session: Media NEXT: How to Supercharge Innovation at a Global Scale
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:12:00PM - 12:45PM

Does thinking of new ways and ideas intrigue you? Adam Simon is here to show you how to take innovation one step further, by supercharging it at a global scale. As the Executive Director of Strategy at IPG Media Lab, Adam has been developing innovation strategies for the past 15 years. He also produced one of Unilever's first branded podcasts way back in 2005.

Fun fact! Adam is a published board game designer and an industry expert on innovation in theme parks and immersive entertainment!

Session: How to Accelerate Anytime Anywhere Commerce
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:6:15AM - 7:00AM

Bernhard Stefan better known as Bernie is an experienced FMCG General Manager in developed and developing markets, with strong experience in successfully leading businesses to profitable growth, identifying and implementing major strategic initiatives and managing change management projects.

Demonstrated capability in M&A, business development & integration, marketing, sales, eComm, distribution and operations.

He is passionate about management and leadership capability that drives business outcomes by building strong teamwork, challenging the status quo, and developing long-term, sustainable strategies. This capability has delivered significant profitability improvements and business turnarounds.

Session: Fast-Changing Digital Ecosystem in Nestlé Vietnam
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:7:30AM - 8:15AM

Binu Jacob is a General Management professional in the FMCG industry with 25 years of experience across Europe, US and Asia.

He is passionate about creating a purpose led, people focused, performance driven organization. Binu is currently, fascinated about building organizational culture, breakthrough innovation, circular economy and the fast changing digital ecosystem.

Session: Maggi's Digital Marketing Transformation Journey + Roadmap
Date: Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time: 4:00AM - 4:45AM


Session: Powering eCommerce in an Omni Channel Ecosystem | Nestlé India
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:6:45AM - 7:30AM

Suresh is a seasoned professional in the Consumer Goods area who has handled a variety of Functional and General Management roles across different countries and challenges. He is committed to nurturing talent and enabling skills in people.


As the Commercial Director at Nestlé Nigeria, Khaled Ramadan is passionate about all things sales and trade. Throughout his 13 years and counting career at Nestlé, Khaled has seen himself grow and develop through the Syria crisis, when business continuity and business safety mattered most.

Prior to being the Commercial Director, he led the Sales and Distribution in one of Middle East's largest countries, across multiple trade channels. Khaled's vast experience has sharpened his resilience, stamina and most importantly leadership qualities. It's safe to say, that he is the 'Sales Guru' of Nestlé Nigeria.



Session: Driving ESG at Nestlé with Innovations + Strategic Partnerships
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:11:00AM - 11:45AM

Kimberly is the Global Head of Procurement for Commodities in Nestlé, where she is responsible for a global team managing commodity procurement activities. Her previous experience started in the NZ Dairy Industry before moving to the UK and working in supply chain and procurement roles in FMCG companies. She joined Nestlé in 2009 where she has focused on global sourcing strategies and risk management across commodities based in UK, Singapore and Switzerland.

Session: Driving ESG at Nestlé with Innovations + Strategic Partnerships
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:11:00AM - 11:45AM

Christelle Daven-Foucher is currently the Global Head of Procurement Performance Acceleration at Nestlé. She has been with Nestlé for more than 20 years.

Session: Building Digital Factory of The Future + Growing an Engineering Career at Nestlé
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Hasmukhpinder, better known as Hutch is the Head of Engineering for Nestlé Asia, Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa region. His experience spans across maintenance, energy and water sustainability.

Session: Next Level Connected Supply Chain
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:9:30AM - 10:15AM

Luca is the Head of Supply Chain and Business Services for Asia, Oceania and Sub- Saharan Africa. In his current role, Luca is responsible for Supply Chain, IT and other Business Services for Zone AOA: CHF 20.7 billion turnover, 92 countries, 10 main business categories, 80 distribution centers.

With a background of Supply Chain and Sales, Luca moved to the Nestlé HQ in July 2019. He has worked with Nestlé in Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania and South Asia in very diverse markets, cultures and business environment. He brings extensive operational experience in Procurement, Demand and Supply Planning, Logistics, Customer Service and Project Management (Performance Improvements, IT, HR, M&A). He joined Nestlé in Milan, Italy in 1997 as a management trainee and later moved to Asia taking increasing responsibilities in Operations. Luca has been a Supply Chain Director in Vietnam, South Asia and the Philippines. During his assignment in South Asia, he was also the Chairman of a local joint venture operating in fresh milk collection.

Session: Nestlé + Google = Best in Class Digital Transformation Partnership
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:9:00AM - 9:45AM

Argentinian born, Lino joined Google in 2008 and has since lived and worked in many different roles and countries. He was Country Director for Argentina & Mexico, Leader of the Global Sales Strategy Team for Online Media Solutions in Google’s California HQ, and before that was in charge of the Online Sales Organization for Germany, Switzerland & Austria while based out of Dublin. Most recently he was Managing Director for MENA, based in Dubai, where he currently lives with his wife and three children.

In February 2022 Lino Cattaruzzi joined GCAS to lead the Eurogroup team as their Global Client Partner, overseeing a team dedicated to leading Google’s deep engagement with some of the biggest giants in advertising such as Nestlé, Unilever, L’Oreal, LVMH, Haleon, VW and BMW among others.

Prior to joining Google, Lino held various managerial positions at AOL Latin America, including as President for LATAM and their subsidiary in Argentina.

Session: Nestlé is Leading Digital Marketing with Consumer Data and How We Are Building Brand for the Future
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:8:15AM - 9:00AM


Session: Engineering As A Competitive Advantage By Leveraging Digital Technologies
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:7:00AM - 8:00AM

Christian Schmid has been with Nestlé for over 30 years, starting off his career as an NPT Team Member, and was then promoted to Supply Chain Director 7 years after. Today, Christian is the Head of Technical for Nestlé Asia, Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa, resulting from his immense experience in Technical and Process Effectiveness. Prior to his current role, he was Executive Vice President - Technical at Nestlé Greater China Region.

Session:Leadership in Digital | Leading A Future Forward Nestlé
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:6:00AM - 6:45AM

Currently Nestlé's zone Head of Digital & e-Commerce for the Asia, Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa region, Nadia is passionate about all things commercial and marketing strategy, especially in fast-paced environments.

With over 20 years of global experience, Nadia prides herself in sales and marketing for premium brands across Europe, LATAM and Asia,

On top of all that, she's also a proud mom of two, an avid swimmer and traveler, AND a Netflix and book junkie!

Session: Connected Factory | Digital in Manufacturing
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:8:45AM - 9:30AM

As the corporate head of operations technologies, Howard is responsible for setting the strategy for the digital transformation of manufacturing across the group, working with a small team in corporate but connected to experts located across the globe and in different functions.

Howard has been with Nestlé for 20 years, with a background in engineering Howard has been factory engineer, factory manager in the UK and US and chief engineer in the UK before coming to this role in 2018.

Outside of work, Howard enjoys sailing and cooking, but not at the same time.

Session: Brands in Culture. How Nescafé Connected with Gen Z through Gaming in China
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:12:45PM - 1:30PM

Antonia Farquhar, Global Integrated Media Lead for Nestlé, has swapped Sydney, Australia, for Vevey, Switzerland in 2021 to take on a global media role. Strong of her 20 years’ experience in media, half of them in Nestlé, she has overseen many transformations over her career.

In her current role, Antonia is ensuring that media strategy, execution and effectiveness transpire across all touchpoints and works with teams across the world to create integrated, full funnel strategies.

When she is not making transformation happen at Nestlé, you will find her cycling along lake Geneva or exploring Europe with her family.

Session: Coming Soon!
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:10:30AM - 11:15AM


Session: Quick Commerce - The next generation of e-commerce?
Date:Wednesday, 21st September 2022
Time:9:15AM - 10:00AM

Christof Gerlach, Director Category & Supplier Management in Delivery Hero. He graduated with MBA from London Business School with the results of top 10%. He was the Director at Omio and a Manager at Amazon under the Seller Fulfilled Prime Marketplace Programme.

Christof was also assigned with international project assignments in MENA, Southeast Asia and South Africa in the technology and telecommunications sector under Detecon. Christof is experienced in developing and executing business strategies such as product development, innovation, and growth.

He is also well-versed in operational and project managements that requires strong skills in analyzation and solving complex problems uncertainty using a structured approach especially through quantitative methods with large teams.

Session: Nestlé eBusiness Academy for a Future-Ready Digital Career
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:9:45AM - 10:30AM

Yannis is an experienced senior business executive, growing teams and developing professionals that have been consistently transforming their business and delivering strong business performance in his 22 years with Nestlé, with categories such as coffees, food and confections in his background. For the past 5 years, he has been in the Nestlé global Marketing & Sales leaderships teams shaping and delivering the digital marketing, and eCommerce transformation of the Nestlé group, translating strategy to operational plans across categories and markets, while he has been leading all marketing & sales capability building initiatives. He has also strong experience in corporate communications & public affairs, and sales channel & category development. He has also worked in the insurance and equity markets. He is married with 2 sons, and has lived and worked in Greece, UK, Bulgaria, while currently is based in the Nestlé HQ in Vevey, Switzerland, and will soon be moving to the Vietnamese market to undertake the role of Head of Communications and Marketing.

Fun fact: He is a passionate gamer, participating in long afterhours battles on line with players across the globe.

Session: Nestlé Logistics Automation and Digitalisation
Date:Thursday, 22nd September 2022
Time:10:15AM - 11:00AM

Inspiring leader with a solid track-record in the FMCG Industry. 25+ years of experience in Supply Chain, Operations, R&D and Business Management at Nestlé. Global Head of Supply Chain for several multi-billion businesses. Forward thinker in charge of developing and operationalizing business strategies and digital transformation of Operations. Ability to lead (virtual) teams and deliver solid results in complex organizational environment. Passion to drive innovation and develop people.

Session: What is the role of Media Communication in driving sustainability?
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:2:15PM - 3:00PM

Tina is an expert consultant in marketing communication and digital transformation with excellent leadership and negotiation skills. Leading 'Digital Transformation' for Nestlé Germany 2014-2019 broadened her knowledge along the whole value chain and also in change management.

Since 2019 Tina has been leading Global Media Communication at Nestlé HQ and from January 2021 she took on additional responsibilities in the role of Global Head of Media Communications & Partnerships. Tina has a proven track record in managing agencies, and is competent in working successfully in diverse and international teams. She has natural networking skills which have provided her with valuable contacts in media, marketing and agencies throughout her career.

Her work as chairwoman of OWM 2013-2019 (Advertisers Association Germany), as well as being a member of WFA Global Media Board as of 2019 complement her profile as a senior executive.

Session: [META] Fireside Chat with Nicola Mendelsohn
Date:Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Time:10:30AM - 11:15AM

Nicola Mendelsohn is the Vice President, Global Business Group at Meta. She previously served as Vice President for Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Meta – a role she held since 2013.

She is also a non-executive of Diageo, serves on the UK government’s Digital Economy Council, the Mayor of London’s Business Advisory Board, and is co-president of the charity Norwood.

In 2019, Nicola founded and launched the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation, a charity focused solely on raising funds to help the thousands of people living with Follicular Lymphoma to live well and get well.

Prior to joining Meta Nicola worked in advertising for over 20 years working at BBH, Grey and Karmarama.

Prior roles include: first female President of the IPA (the advertising industry trade body), Trustee of The White Ribbon Alliance, Chairman of Women’s Aid Development Board and President of the Women in Advertising and Communications London club (WACL). She was also a Director of the Women’s Prize for Fiction and Co-Chair of the UK Governments Creative Industries Council. In 2015 she was awarded a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for services to the creative industries in the UK.

Her greatest joy in life comes from her husband Jon and her four children Gabi, Danny, Sam and Zac